We welcome you to our website and invite you to know these terms before you provide your personal data on it.
Privacy and data protection are important to THE COMPANY.
This Privacy Policy contains the practices related to the treatment of personal information of users and customers that may be collected during navigation, when buying a product or contracting a service through the website or in the social networks used by THE COMPANY , as well as the type of data that is collected, the monitoring, use and disclosure of the same.
It also explains where and how we collect your personal information, for what purposes we use it, as well as the rights that the user has over their personal information.
This policy defines our firm commitment to protect your personal information.
This privacy policy is adapted to current Spanish and European regulations regarding the protection of personal data on the Internet. Specifically, it respects the following rules:
In the processing of your personal data, THE COMPANY will apply the following principles that comply with the requirements of the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD):
In the case of subscriptions, THE COMPANY will periodically review the lists and will eliminate those inactive records for a considerable time.
THE COMPANY takes the necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized access or improper use of its users’ data by third parties.
By simply using or browsing our website, we do not obtain any personal data from users, not even if they allow all cookies on our website. We will only process said data if the user contacts us or requests information in the “Contact” tab or through our email addresses.
THE COMPANY, as responsible for the WEBSITE, informs all users who provide or are going to provide their personal data, that these will be processed by them, in accordance with the provisions of article 30 of the RGPD, in order to carry out the purposes mentioned in the following section, becoming part, more specifically, of the treatment of “web users”.
Only the data strictly necessary to carry out the normal activity of the service will be collected, adjusting in any case to the principle of data minimization, as established in article 5 of the RGPD.
THE COMPANYis directed, in any case, to adults and does not voluntarily collect or maintain any type of personal data of minors. If THE COMPANY becomes aware that the User is a minor, it will proceed to the immediate cancellation of their personal data and their account.
In any case, in the COMPANY we manage the following categories of data:
In the event that the user provides data from third parties, he/she declares to have their consent and undertakes to transfer the information contained in this clause, exempting THE COMPANY from any responsibility in this regard. However, THE COMPANY may carry out verifications to verify this fact, adopting the corresponding due diligence measures, in accordance with data protection regulations.
THE COMPANY, as the person responsible for the processing of personal data, is obliged to maintain professional secrecy with respect to all data collected, as well as to save them, obligations that will subsist even after the end of the user’s relationship with THE COMPANY.
In compliance with the provisions of the European Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection and the LOPDGDD, we inform you that we will treat the data you provide us to:
The user consents to the processing of their data for the purposes described, without prejudice to their right to revoke said consent through an email to the address: info@greenvass.com, identifying themselves as a user of the WEBSITE and specifying their request. .
Regarding the processing of your data for the purpose of advertising and promotions of our services, you can exercise the voluntary exclusion of said communications in an easy and simple way through the following modalities:
THE COMPANYundertakes not to use the data obtained for a purpose other than those indicated.
Privacy and data protection is important for THE COMPANY, therefore, this policy describes the use we make of users’ personal data when joining the profile that THE COMPANY has on the different social networks and what we do to keep it safe. .
THE COMPANY has a presence on social networks. If you become a follower on the social networks of THE COMPANY, the processing of personal data will be governed by this section, as well as by those conditions of use, privacy policies and access regulations that belong to the social network that is appropriate in each case. and that you have previously accepted.
You can consult the privacy policies of the main social networks in these links:
Protection of personal data: identification of the Treatment Manager
Users who provide their personal data are informed with the information available through their account and/or user profile on social networks owned by THE COMPANY, that it is responsible for the processing of personal data that is carried out, unless other conditions are expressly reported in a specific treatment.
Terms and conditions of use of social networks
The character of THE COMPANY’s social networks is open: we want our followers to share, show and exchange information, opinions and suggestions through them.
And for everything to work properly, we have some terms and conditions of use and participation applicable to all of them (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google +, etc.) that users must comply with:
1) No disrespect will be tolerated. THE COMPANY will not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia or other forms of speech or contributions that may be interpreted as such. Social networks are to communicate, make friends and have a good time.
2) To share copyrighted information without the author’s permission, the source URL must be added.
3) We recommend not to publish personal data such as postal or electronic address, telephone number, bank details, etc. on any social network belonging to THE COMPANY.
4) If you share content with us, remember that: THE COMPANY reserves the right to delete messages that do not comply with the rules of respect and legality of the content. All offensive or threatening content will be removed, as long as the platform allows it.
Users will refrain from using the social networks of THE COMPANY in the following way or with the following objectives:
THE COMPANY disclaims responsibility for the breach of these terms and conditions by users and the consequences that may arise from said breach.
The information and personal data provided voluntarily by the user through the social networks of THE COMPANY is treated with the purpose of:
Outside of these assumptions we will not use your data for purposes other than those indicated above.
In social networks, the user can share texts, photos, videos and other types of information or other and/or content, something that in this case they will do freely, voluntarily and consciously. In doing so, said content will be subject to both this policy and the Privacy Policy, Conditions of Access and Use of the corresponding social network.
The user will be responsible for ensuring that all content published respects current legislation, this policy, the terms and conditions of use and the privacy policy of the Social Network.
The user may only publish personal data, photographs and information or other content whose ownership and property belong to him or for which he has the authorization of third parties.
THE COMPANY shall have the right to remove from this official page unilaterally and without prior communication or authorization from the user any content published by the user when the user infringes or violates current legislation, the rules established in this policy and/or those of social networks.
If you want to stop following us, you just have to click on the option “Stop being a fan” or “stop following”.
* We inform you that when you contact us through Whatsapp, this application can share your data with the social network Facebook.
The personal data of users will only be collected to be processed when they are adequate, pertinent, limited and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are processed. Thus, its treatment will be limited to those purposes that in each case have been indicated to the Users.
When personal data is collected, the user will be previously informed clearly and unequivocally of the circumstances relating to the processing of their data, in accordance with the data protection requirements in force at any given time.
The processing of web user data by this company is based on the consent of the interested party, both to browse, contact or proceed to register on the website, as well as to request the sending of the newsletter or information corresponding to THE COMPANY, participate in a raffle carried out, and even for the installation of the cookies used in the website, all in accordance with current regulations.
The consents obtained for the aforementioned purposes are independent, so the user may revoke one or more of them without affecting the others.
Finally, the data may be used to comply with the legal obligations applicable to THE COMPANY.
The personal data provided to THE COMPANY will be kept while the interested party:
However, THE COMPANY informs that, as a data hosting service provider and by virtue of the provisions of Law 25/2007, of October 18, on the conservation of data related to electronic communications and public communications networks , will keep for a maximum period of 12 months the essential information to identify the origin of the data hosted and the moment in which the provision of the service began.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, and in addition to said deadlines, the data will be kept duly blocked, and may only be used in the framework of a criminal investigation or for the safeguarding of public security, being made available exclusively to judges and courts, the Public Prosecutor or the competent Public Administrations, in particular the data protection authorities, for a period of 3 years to deal with possible claims that may arise due to the use that has been made of them.
Many tools used by this website to manage data are contracted by third parties; in this sense, the data may be accessed by those providers that provide services to THE COMPANY, such as hosting services, marketing tools and content systems or other professionals, when such communication is required by law, or for the execution of the services. hired. When, in the provision of these services, these other companies are going to process data, the law calls them Data Processors.
To provide the services strictly necessary for the development of the activity, this website shares data with the following providers under their corresponding privacy conditions:
THE COMPANY has signed the corresponding treatment order contracts with each of the providers that provide services to THE COMPANY, with the aim of guaranteeing that said providers will treat your data in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.
They may also be transferred to the State Security Forces and Bodies in cases where there is a legal obligation, to banks and financial entities, for the collection of services, as well as to the Public Administrations with competence in the sectors of activity, when This is established by current regulations.
In accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation on data protection, THE COMPANY respects the privacy of users and the secrecy and security of personal data, adopting the legal, technical and organizational and security measures that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information contained therein and that are necessary to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the personal data provided, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed.
The personal data provided as a user of this website may be stored in databases, whose ownership corresponds exclusively to THE COMPANY.
In addition, the website uses a secure channel, and the data transmitted is encrypted thanks to the HTTPS protocol, therefore the best security conditions for user confidentiality are guaranteed.
Security measures are also adopted on this website to detect viruses or other attacks. However, you must be aware that the security measures of computer systems on the Internet are not 100% reliable and that, therefore, the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in computer systems (software) cannot be guaranteed. and hardware) of the user or in their electronic documents and files contained therein.
Despite this, to try to guarantee the security and privacy of users’ personal data, this website has an active security surveillance system that reports each user’s activity and possible breaches in data security. Therefore, in the event of any security incident and, whenever necessary, those potentially affected will be notified immediately about it and will be informed with all the necessary data available.
THE COMPANY informs the user of the possibility of exercising the following rights:
If you wish to make use of any of these rights, you can write to the address of the COMPANY indicated at the beginning or send a communication to the email info@greenvass.es with the subject “Data protection rights”, and must specify, in any case, which of these rights is requested to be satisfied and, in turn, must be accompanied by a photocopy of the DNI or equivalent identification document. In the event that you act through a representative, legal or voluntary, you must also provide a document that proves the representation and identification document of the same.
To obtain more information on the exercise of these rights and pre-established models or forms, the user can access the official page of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, through the citizen channel or request the model from THE COMPANY. correspondent.
THE COMPANY undertakes to respond to requests for these rights within one month from receipt of the request, and there may be an extension of up to two months when necessary based on the data and the right requested, always communicating this circumstance to the interested party. within one month of receiving the request.
Finally, we inform you that if you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights or the way to exercise them, you can contact the Spanish Agency for Data Protection and other competent public bodies for any claim arising from the processing of your data. personal:
THE COMPANY may modify this Privacy Policy at any time, the successive versions being published on the Website.
THE COMPANY will review and update the data protection information at least once a year or when there are changes in the legislation or in any of the procedures for the treatment of your personal information, indicating the date of the last update, content and date.
In any case, THE COMPANY will communicate with prior notice the modifications of this policy that affect users so that they can accept them.
This Privacy Policy has been updated for the last time on 01/20/2022